Scotsman’s David Kettle Compares Fringe Opera Gerard Noir To Mozart’s Don Giovanni

Writer and composer Jared Schwartz has brought his reimagination of opera as an artform to the stage for the first time at this year’s Festival Fringe.

Opera audiences are diminishing around the world.  Schwartz is out to capture a new generation of opera audience by taking the best of classical opera and blending it with entertainment appetites of a younger crowd.

His first ever original opera is a convergence of James Bond and South Park.  Meet Gerard Noir, a super sexy, dashing and debonair spy comically battling bad guys.

David Kettle, arts critic for The Scotsman gets it, perhaps unwittingly, but nevertheless assuredly.  In his recent review of  “Gerard Noir,“ Kettle characterizes Gerard Noir as a “swaggering sex-god hero battling an evil time-controlling villain,” with a keen interest “in bedding voluptuous females or cute males.”

Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” tells the story of an incorrigible young playboy comedically bringing about his own demise.

Kettle blindly acknowledges Schwartz’s success in subtly merging classic opera with the entertainment appetites of younger generations.  Schwartz’s playboy entertains in English, rather than Italian and caters to a generation raised on Rick and Morty, The Simpsons and The Family Guy, not to mention OnlyFans.

Jared Schwartz and “the seriously talented Stateside opera singers” of the “Gerard Noir” cast want to thank David Kettle for both his gracious intentional compliments and especially his accidental, but dead-on comparison to Mozart’s “Don Giovanni.”

“Thanks to David Kettle, now I know I am on the right track with ‘Gerard Noir’,” said Jared Schwartz.

How to See Gerard Noir Live at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Gerard Noir is playing now at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.  Gerard Noir will be performed every night at 21:55 through the 26th of August.  The 45-minute opera is staged at theSpace Triplex (Fringe Venue 38). Tickets can be purchased from the Fringe Box Office online, via their app, or by phone at 0131 226 0000.

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Early Stage Productions

Gerard Noir is brought to you by Early Stage Productions dedicated to bringing audiences into the concept development process of entertainment projects.


Max Dunn
+1 972 567 7248


Well Hung Is The New Fat Lady Of Opera As Gerard Noir Takes The Stage At The Fringe