Well Hung Is The New Fat Lady Of Opera As Gerard Noir Takes The Stage At The Fringe

Move over prima donna. A new jester’s about to steal your thorny crown. His name is Gerard Noir. He’s a bass, not the typical and boring soprano lead, and he’s got the equipment between his legs to account for that low, bass voice. He’s a non-binary sexy, singing spy and he’s not just going to save the world; he’s going to save opera.

Gerard Noir is more than a play, musical or opera. Gerard Noir is a movement to create an all new genre in opera, like nothing you’ve ever seen or imaged, designed to bring joy to a new generation of opera audiences and you can be part of the movement.

How To See Gerard Noir Live At The Edinburg Festival Fringe

Gerard Noir will premiere at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this summer opening on August 4th, 2023. Gerard Noir will be performed every night at 21:55 through the 26th of August. The 45-minute opera will be staged at theSpace Triplex (Fringe Venue 38). Tickets can be purchased from the Fringe Box Office online, via their app, or by phone at 0131 226 0000.


Gerard Noir is brought to you by Early Stage Productions dedicated to bringing audiences into the concept development process of entertainment projects.


Scotsman’s David Kettle Compares Fringe Opera Gerard Noir To Mozart’s Don Giovanni


Gerard Noir Has A Big Package And He Is LGBQT+ Friendly